Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Will went to Chilliwack!

 On the weekend we were gone Will and Dad went to Chilliwack for the the 2015 BMX Nationals!  It was killing me that I couldn't be there but I was able to live stream the race from the Harbour Air office in Richmond.  I shortly got a message that I had used 70% of my data in one day...  
So, this is what second place looks like for a Cooper.  Poor guy really wanted to get two wins to put him into Inter.  It was the Nationals for goodness sake!  I have no idea where he gets this competitiveness from...

He cheered up a bit once he was home. :)
I took his picture with his trophies and sent it in to the school and he got a mention in the Aspengrove newsletter.  Way to go Will!

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