Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mommy's Birthday!

 Most mornings we would order breakfast to the room (you do better in a contained environment, ha!)
It was super fun just to slowly wake up, watch some toons and eat exciting foods that we would never eat for breakfast at home (read: frosted flakes and fruit loops).
You even sang happy birthday to me :)

 Checking out the view.  It's feeling warmer already..

 Your absolute favourite part of the cruise was being in the water.  The smile on your face when you got in there was priceless!
You traipsed around making friends and defying the lifeguard endlessly as they tried to explain to you that running and jumping was not allowed.  I stayed out of it, you weren't jumping on anyone and were being careful, you were just so darned excited.  I was kind of hoping you'd get a big splash in there while they weren't looking, and you did, ha!
Sneaky bug.
You are such a boy.

 There are no rules on the Disney Cruise so pop was the order of the day (Sprite) and it was "fizzy on your tongue!"  You never got tired of that!

 At our first Disney show, the Golden Mickeys!

 Mom ans Babe :)

 Photo credit goes to Charlie!  What a fun birthday indeed!

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