Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Charlie and I go to Great-Grandma's 90th Birthday!

 Great-Grandma turned 90 this past Saturday, October 17th and we couldn't miss it!
You are such a good traveler it is crazy.  You are no trouble at all.  You were very excited to go as I had been talking it up for weeks and we counted down every night.  
This is the photo we sent to Grandma as we left:

 It was very important for you to "walk to the plane" all by yourself.  The oohs and aaws you got that day!  Everyone just stared and stared.  I would too!

 You always want to do up your own seat belt too, that's very important.  
Little dolly.

 Daddy bought Mommy two tickets to see Kinky Boots at the Royal Alexandra Theatre while we were home and I got to catch up with April while I was there.  It was a great show, thanks Dad!

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