Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A big reunion for Great-Grandma

 We went outside into the cool autumn air to take some photos at the front of the house.  He got some really nice shots.

As we were outside a car pulled up with long-time family friends inside that had made the trip from Chicago.  Rudy and Tibor Galfi and their wives had come as a surprise to celebrate Great-Grandma's 90th Birthday.  The Galfi family were the ones that took Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa and ten year old Grandma into their home when they arrived in Canada with nothing as refugees in December 1956.
It had been decades since she'd seen them and the photographer was able to capture her reaction to learning who they were.

 First T:

 Then Rudy:

 It was amazing:

 Great-Grandpa was so happy too!  The two families spent so much time together and became great friends over the years.

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