Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Christy Clark's letter

Mom was super affected by the Syrian crisis going on this summer.  In particular a photo of a little boy that looked just like my own.  Little Alan Kurdi touched my soul and I wanted to help Syrian refugees in any way I can.  After all, in 1956 our own family came here as refugees and depended on the help of others to thrive here.  We made Canada proud and I hope that the newcomers that Canada has committed to accept (10,000 to date) will be able to make a go of it here, in the best country on earth, as we did.
In 1956 Canada accepted 30,000 Hungarian refugees and Grandma, Grandpa and my ten year old mom were three of them.  10,000 by comparison is not a huge number.
Anyways, I went back and forth on how best to help out.  I donated to a couple of charities and spoke to my mom.  She suggested that the best thing I could do would be to help them out once they arrive here.  I thought about that and the fact that their health was probably neglected in the face of their realities in the recent past so I could likely help out with their dental health.  
I saw our Premier Christy Clark crying on the evening news about the very same image I could barely stomach and decided I would offer my help.  I wrote an email to her and she wrote me back.
This is the letter she sent.
I honestly hope I can help some families out in this small way.

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