Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Ukulele

This boy worked super hard for two weeks to earn this Uke and lessons.  Way to go Will!

Will and Liv

You have been having semi-regular playdates with Liv lately.  You guys are so cute!

More 90th party

 Rudy made the most priceless book for Great-Grandma for her birthday.  It was made and the photos were selected with such care, some even dated.  Great-Grandma burst into tears when she started looking through it and I did too!  It is one of the most precious things I have ever seen.  What a sweet and caring man to put this together for her.

 We all spent quite a while going through the pages.

 Sophia and Char catching up.

 A big CHEERS!

 Deanna, my Mom's childhood friend.

 The lot of us.  Happy Birthday Great-Grandma!  It was a beautiful day indeed.

A big reunion for Great-Grandma

 We went outside into the cool autumn air to take some photos at the front of the house.  He got some really nice shots.

As we were outside a car pulled up with long-time family friends inside that had made the trip from Chicago.  Rudy and Tibor Galfi and their wives had come as a surprise to celebrate Great-Grandma's 90th Birthday.  The Galfi family were the ones that took Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa and ten year old Grandma into their home when they arrived in Canada with nothing as refugees in December 1956.
It had been decades since she'd seen them and the photographer was able to capture her reaction to learning who they were.

 First T:

 Then Rudy:

 It was amazing:

 Great-Grandpa was so happy too!  The two families spent so much time together and became great friends over the years.

Grandma turns 90!

 Grandma threw a beautiful party for Great-Grandma and it was such a special day and important day.  I'm so glad that we were there to share it.

 What a gorgeous shot!

 You were being buggish, but still adorable:

 Nice one!


Charlie and I go to Great-Grandma's 90th Birthday!

 Great-Grandma turned 90 this past Saturday, October 17th and we couldn't miss it!
You are such a good traveler it is crazy.  You are no trouble at all.  You were very excited to go as I had been talking it up for weeks and we counted down every night.  
This is the photo we sent to Grandma as we left:

 It was very important for you to "walk to the plane" all by yourself.  The oohs and aaws you got that day!  Everyone just stared and stared.  I would too!

 You always want to do up your own seat belt too, that's very important.  
Little dolly.

 Daddy bought Mommy two tickets to see Kinky Boots at the Royal Alexandra Theatre while we were home and I got to catch up with April while I was there.  It was a great show, thanks Dad!

Cross Country race at school

Last Thursday Aspengrove hosted a Cross Country race for it and all the neighbouring schools.  I was at work when Amanda texted me this photo.  Of course, Will won first overall.  A boy from another school won second and then these guys third and fourth!
When Dad spoke to Amanda afterwards she told Dad that the boys were talking about celebrating after the race regardless of who won.  Will said "Ya, but I'm going to win."
At least he lived up to it!
Confidence is not an issue for you :)

Photo Shoot at Pumpkinfest

 Well we weren't planning on a photo shoot but somehow we made it work!
Your little cousin Adelle was there and it was so nice to get some pics of you guys with her.

 Aren't you all adorable!

 The whole fam damily!


 Us four.


Pumpkinfest at Coastal Black Winery

 Aunt Ash-a-lee told Dad about this amazing Pumpkinfest near Comox and Mom was intrigued so we broke our annual tradition at McNabb's to check it out.  It sure was awesome!  They did things up so well.  The barn was fully dressed for fall and strung up with lights with cider, chili and pizza on offer.
There was pumpkin bowling:

 Ring toss (Got one!):

 And a hay bale maze that you both spent an hour in.  Plus this huge pumpkin, the pumpkin patch:

 And a trebuchet!

 We each picked a pumpkin:

 And you both found a golden pumpkin and got a prize!
What a fun day!

Thanksgiving Weekend

 We decided to have a very low-key Thanksgiving weekend for just family.  Imagine, four days off and no plans!  It was heaven to just wake up with no where to go!  We went down to the water in a rain storm:

 Will got the dirtiest:

 Mom and Dad even got a moment to ourselves:

 We stuffed a turkey and put it in the BBQ:

 We went for a bike ride:

 We rode to the park:

 We swung so high!

 We ate (and drank) like champs, and said what we're grateful for.  Mommy for our family and our health, Dad for our togetherness, Will for family, Char for his bike.
Happy Thanksgiving!