Thursday, June 13, 2013

At the cottage one day...

 I was really excited to take my Mom and Grandma out to the lake and show them the new work we had done on the cottage, especially the downstairs which we had improved by leaps and bounds.  We went up on the Sunday of Daddy's Birthday weekend and it was super special because it was my Grandma's first trip there ever.  Mom was so impressed by our progress, as we are!  It is hard to believe that this cottage is the same place we bought just over a year ago (when Mommy was nine months pregnant).
This is the basement so far:

 Daddy laid the flooring (with a little help from Steven) in one day last weekend.  Go Daddy!

 Our day was going swimmingly and then our palette of stone arrived by truck from Windsor Plywood.  Well, the truck got stuck in the backyard and then started a debacle.  The driver, Rick, started using ropes and the crane on the truck as a winch to haul himself up the drive.  He gained foot after painstaking foot this way using our trees for about an hour.  Eventually the rope snapped and his truck went careening back down the driveway, smashed into stairs and then almost landed in the lake.
Thank goodness everyone was ok and the kids were in the house.  It took hours for a tow truck to get the truck out of our yard.  Daddy is going to meet with the owner of the store tomorrow to discuss where to go from here.  One thing is for certain, he won't mention that the stairs were our very next project ;).

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