Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Les Mis!

 Les Mis came to Vancouver last month and we took you to your first Broadway musical.  Mommy is hoping to spark a lifelong love of musical theatre ;).
You are very familiar with the soundtrack since I play it in the car a lot.  We end up singing along together and you are able to identify the bad guy parts of Javert.  We especially love to hear Cosette's castle in the clouds song and we sometimes sing it together at bedtime.  I thought this musical was the perfect first for you!
We ended up going to the Saturday matinee and you were great!  Considering it was three hours long you did as well as a four year old could.  After the show we went to Rodney's Oyster House where Mommy and Daddy filled up on oysters and beer and you had (of course) pasta and olive oil.
What a great day!

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