Thursday, June 13, 2013

On the day you turned one...

On the morning of your first birthday Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Jenny snuck into your nursery with cameras and video camera to capture your first waking moments on this special day.
You were so sweet sitting up drowsily in your crib and wondering what all the attention was about!
You sat for a little while surverying the room (and us!) and reached up to be lifted out.  We sang happy birthday to you and changed you and held you for a little while and we also talked about how we had just arrived at the hospital this time last year on this day.  On a day a year ago when Charlie was unbelievably not even in our lives yet.
  It is hard to imagine that just a year ago we didn't even know you yet.  We are so blessed to have you baby boy.  You have been such a sweet gift to our family.  There never was a happier, sweeter babe than you.

Mommy and Daddy headed off to work looking forward to the evening of birthday celebrating that lay ahead!

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