Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Atlantis a trois

 The day after our lovely anniversary Mommy, Daddy and Charlie made our way to the Bahamas!  We stayed at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Royal Towers.  It was a blast!
This is your first dip in a pool and you liked it very much.  The pools were beautiful and clean and enormous.  It was scorching hot there and we needed that!
Charlie had a fever for the first three days of our vacation, we figure you caught something on the plane from Vancouver.  Mommy was a little beside myself for that time but you pulled out of it just fine, your fever broke after three days as expected.  Now we could really vacay!

 Hoping you're going to be a water baby like Will!

 Atlantis is full of amazing marine life in aquariums, we just couldn't believe all there was to see!  This is a water slide which goes through a shark tank!  Mommy and Daddy both did the Serpent Slide, it was super fun!  Charlie, you'll have to wait till next time.

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