Friday, October 26, 2012

The Farm at Cedar Woods

 Last week your class went on an outing to the Farm at Cedar Woods in Cedar to look around and pick a pumpkin from the patch.  They were looking for parent volunteers and Mommy could actually go!
I love that I can do these things with you right now since I'm on maternity leave.  I will miss it dearly when I go back to work :(
Of course I can always book the time off as long as there is notice so I will make the school calendar my best friend, haha!
It was a cold and rainy day but we braved the weather and tried out the duck races, looked at the animals in the petting zoo and rode on the tractor led hayride to the pumpkin patch to chose our "perfect pumpkin" as you said.

 Found the perfect one!

 We made friends with the alpacas too!
After our trip to the farm out in Cedar we went home for a quick bite and then were off to your first skating lesson of the season in Parksville.  It was a true "Mommy and WIll day" as we call it.  So special.

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