Friday, October 26, 2012

Sandy Shores Skate Club

 Last week we went to your first skate class at the Sandy Shores Skate Club in Parksville.  Mommy heard about it from another parent at school and I got in touch with the club and signed you up for an eight week class right away.
We had taken you to a Boots to Blades class last year so it wasn't your first time but I get a different feeling at this class.  The coaches Mr and Mrs Rushton are very good with the kids and so knowledgeable and personable.  I think this is going to be a great experience for us.
I bought you your own skates this time out and you were so excited to use them.  You kept asking me if we were still going to skating tomorrow over and over the night before.  And on our way to the Farm you kept asking if we could go to skating BEFORE the farm?  I'm not sure that you get the concept of a class starting at a certain time yet...hehe.
When we got to the rink we got you all suited up and put you out onto the ice, and you were more than willing to go on your own.  It turned out that we were a week early for our eight week class so we were in a class with a group of kids that were just finishing up their eight week stint.  Needless to say most were getting around pretty well for their three years.  You looked like a little baby deer out there just trying to find it's legs.  Oh it was hard for me to watch, you on the other hand fell and just popped right up again like it was nothing.  You held onto your pilon and pushed around with it like a real trouper.  I was so proud of you.
I know that it really got to you to watch the other kids skate by you when following the track Mrs Rushton drew on the ice but you stuck with it.  You have a tendency to get really frustrated and to be very competitive and so I thought it would be your undoing several times but much to my surprise you just took note and stuck with it.  Good boy!
When the class finished I praised you up and down for trying your absolute best and we went over how practice makes perfect and how next week you'll be better and the week after that even better. 
You get it.  I'm so proud of you.  

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