Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mommy, Daddy and Charlie go to Seattle

 Last Friday afternoon Mommy and Daddy knocked off early and Grandma brought Charlie to the office so we could get on our way to Seattle.  Will stayed home with Grandma and Jenny and did so many fun things while the three of us hung out in the Seatlle rain.
Charlie was such a doll during the travel days.  You slept in the car and on the ferry and were no trouble at all.  It was as if you knew when it was time for us to eat.  We would go to a restaurant and you would fall asleep in your stroller on cue!

 We knew we felt like we were on vacation when we chose the Caesar Bar in the middle of the day ;)


 Daddy and I also had a very leaisurely dinner at Blue C Sushi while you slept.  God bless a little Charloz...

 You got to have some spa treatments on the trip...
OK it wasn't classy but it worked.
Sometimes we have to bathe you to get rid of the lingering is a house joke that your toots can clear a room!  Geez Charlie you could kill a person with that smell!
Anyhow, after a bath we get you all lotioned up so that you smell like a sweet babe, at least for a few minutes....

 You were a dream for us on the travel home as well.  
All in all a successful weekend.  You had no objections to Mommy and Daddy spending your inheritance at J Crew and Nordstrom.  Some of the clothes were even for you.  It was wonderful to spend a weekend bonding with our 2IC.
Love love love Charlie.

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