Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Charlie goes to school

 Last week Mommy and Charlie went in to Will's JK3 class to show off Charlie.  Well, really the class is doing a unti called "All about me" and so they wanted to reflect back on when the children were babies themselves and how much they've grown and learned since.  But for the Coopers it was about showing off Charlie :)
Big brother Will was so proud.  He insisted on helping to carry in the carseat and was so possessive of Charlie.  He held his hand and kept physical contact with him at all times.  When other children got too close to Charlie or even leaned on his blanket Will would take them to task about it.  Looks like Charlie has a big brother his can count on!

 The children wanted to know what Charlie eats?  Will said "milk from a bottle" and "milk from Mommy."
They also wanted to know why Charlie's head was bobbing and so we talked about how Charlie's neck muscles aren't very strong and he can't even hold his head up for a long time.

 It was a very short visit to Will's class but was so meaningful for us.  Will and I will not forget it!

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