Friday, October 26, 2012

The boys

Were there ever a cuter pair of little boys?!
Will is so very interested and proud of his little brother.  He asks me all the time when Charlie is going to be able to play with him.  We reassure you that he is getting bigger every day and say very soon.

All of the things that we hear from friends about their eldest saying to put the baby down etc has never happened with you.  You might ask us to play with you when we're with Charlie and if we say that we just need to feed Charlie and we'll be there soon you never complain.  You've never once said anything negative about your little brother.  Really.  You are very understanding about us needing to attend to Charlie.  You are such a lovely boy.
 I can't wait until the day when I see the two of you playing together.  I feel so excited about that.  I truly hope that I made you a little best friend Will :)
I just know that you are going to be the best big brother ever.  We talk all the time about all of the things you are going to teach Charlie.  Like how to ride a bike and how to swim.  You are so excited about that.
I always tell you that Charlie is going to look up to you so much, that you are going to be like a superhero in his eyes. 
Already I see Charlie watching you and taking in all that you are up to.  Wait until he figures out that you are the coolest kid going!  Poor Charlie is going to have to work hard to compete with you and your energy!
Good thing he's got such an amazing teacher and model :)

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