Friday, October 26, 2012

Sandy Shores Skate Club

 Last week we went to your first skate class at the Sandy Shores Skate Club in Parksville.  Mommy heard about it from another parent at school and I got in touch with the club and signed you up for an eight week class right away.
We had taken you to a Boots to Blades class last year so it wasn't your first time but I get a different feeling at this class.  The coaches Mr and Mrs Rushton are very good with the kids and so knowledgeable and personable.  I think this is going to be a great experience for us.
I bought you your own skates this time out and you were so excited to use them.  You kept asking me if we were still going to skating tomorrow over and over the night before.  And on our way to the Farm you kept asking if we could go to skating BEFORE the farm?  I'm not sure that you get the concept of a class starting at a certain time yet...hehe.
When we got to the rink we got you all suited up and put you out onto the ice, and you were more than willing to go on your own.  It turned out that we were a week early for our eight week class so we were in a class with a group of kids that were just finishing up their eight week stint.  Needless to say most were getting around pretty well for their three years.  You looked like a little baby deer out there just trying to find it's legs.  Oh it was hard for me to watch, you on the other hand fell and just popped right up again like it was nothing.  You held onto your pilon and pushed around with it like a real trouper.  I was so proud of you.
I know that it really got to you to watch the other kids skate by you when following the track Mrs Rushton drew on the ice but you stuck with it.  You have a tendency to get really frustrated and to be very competitive and so I thought it would be your undoing several times but much to my surprise you just took note and stuck with it.  Good boy!
When the class finished I praised you up and down for trying your absolute best and we went over how practice makes perfect and how next week you'll be better and the week after that even better. 
You get it.  I'm so proud of you.  

The Farm at Cedar Woods

 Last week your class went on an outing to the Farm at Cedar Woods in Cedar to look around and pick a pumpkin from the patch.  They were looking for parent volunteers and Mommy could actually go!
I love that I can do these things with you right now since I'm on maternity leave.  I will miss it dearly when I go back to work :(
Of course I can always book the time off as long as there is notice so I will make the school calendar my best friend, haha!
It was a cold and rainy day but we braved the weather and tried out the duck races, looked at the animals in the petting zoo and rode on the tractor led hayride to the pumpkin patch to chose our "perfect pumpkin" as you said.

 Found the perfect one!

 We made friends with the alpacas too!
After our trip to the farm out in Cedar we went home for a quick bite and then were off to your first skating lesson of the season in Parksville.  It was a true "Mommy and WIll day" as we call it.  So special.

The boys

Were there ever a cuter pair of little boys?!
Will is so very interested and proud of his little brother.  He asks me all the time when Charlie is going to be able to play with him.  We reassure you that he is getting bigger every day and say very soon.

All of the things that we hear from friends about their eldest saying to put the baby down etc has never happened with you.  You might ask us to play with you when we're with Charlie and if we say that we just need to feed Charlie and we'll be there soon you never complain.  You've never once said anything negative about your little brother.  Really.  You are very understanding about us needing to attend to Charlie.  You are such a lovely boy.
 I can't wait until the day when I see the two of you playing together.  I feel so excited about that.  I truly hope that I made you a little best friend Will :)
I just know that you are going to be the best big brother ever.  We talk all the time about all of the things you are going to teach Charlie.  Like how to ride a bike and how to swim.  You are so excited about that.
I always tell you that Charlie is going to look up to you so much, that you are going to be like a superhero in his eyes. 
Already I see Charlie watching you and taking in all that you are up to.  Wait until he figures out that you are the coolest kid going!  Poor Charlie is going to have to work hard to compete with you and your energy!
Good thing he's got such an amazing teacher and model :)

Fun times with Grandma

 Grandma came this September and into October to spend some time with us.  Mommy and Daddy got a quick getaway to Vancouver and then again to Seattle with Charlie, lucky us!
She was so kind to take you guys on, you are a handful right now!  But she loves it and loves you both so much, it is wonderful.
Will, you just love Grandma so much even though there is huge distance between us.  I'm sure Charlie will love being with Grandma too once he's a little older :)
Look at our big boy!


 You also got to go to Pumpkinfest with Grandma while Mommy and Daddy and Charlie were away.  They had the biggest pumpkins from around BC and a bunch of animals and attractions...
 But apparently you were the most interested in jumping in the puddles :)
You are such a little boy through and through :)

4 Cats with Grandma

While we were in Seattle, Will and Grandma did so many fun things around home.  There was a special workshop on at the 4 cats art studio that Grandma signed you up for and you created a masterpiece!
The project was to make a snow globe and you made a witch to go inside it.  You did such a great job I couldn't believe it!  Little artiste!

 I love the stick out tongue!  SO much concentration...

That is some witch!  Love it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mommy, Daddy and Charlie go to Seattle

 Last Friday afternoon Mommy and Daddy knocked off early and Grandma brought Charlie to the office so we could get on our way to Seattle.  Will stayed home with Grandma and Jenny and did so many fun things while the three of us hung out in the Seatlle rain.
Charlie was such a doll during the travel days.  You slept in the car and on the ferry and were no trouble at all.  It was as if you knew when it was time for us to eat.  We would go to a restaurant and you would fall asleep in your stroller on cue!

 We knew we felt like we were on vacation when we chose the Caesar Bar in the middle of the day ;)


 Daddy and I also had a very leaisurely dinner at Blue C Sushi while you slept.  God bless a little Charloz...

 You got to have some spa treatments on the trip...
OK it wasn't classy but it worked.
Sometimes we have to bathe you to get rid of the lingering is a house joke that your toots can clear a room!  Geez Charlie you could kill a person with that smell!
Anyhow, after a bath we get you all lotioned up so that you smell like a sweet babe, at least for a few minutes....

 You were a dream for us on the travel home as well.  
All in all a successful weekend.  You had no objections to Mommy and Daddy spending your inheritance at J Crew and Nordstrom.  Some of the clothes were even for you.  It was wonderful to spend a weekend bonding with our 2IC.
Love love love Charlie.

Charlie is 4 months old!

It's hard to believe four months have passed since we first met you!  Grandma bought you this beautiful exersaucer to celebrate this milestone and so far you love it!
It is such great fun that you are so much more responsive to us than just weeks ago.  You are a real giggler, especially in the morning when you are fresh off a night's sleep.  You literally wake up grinning from ear to ear and when we tickle you you just laugh and laugh, it is addictive!
We got it on video so we can watch it over and over and we do!

You are such a sweet and good-natured baby.  We just love you like crazy :)

Happy 4 months little Charlie XOXOXOX

Thanksgiving Part II

 We are also delighted to be invited to the Sansalone's house for Thanksgiving again this year :).
It was the second year in a row that we celebrated with them and the kids' table is getting bigger!  Next year Charlie will be sitting there too and Leslie and Erin's babies will both be here too!  We'll be outnumbered soon!
Little Sam really took a shine to our Charles!

Thanksgiving at the Tatra's

 This year we were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Tatras once again and this time we were around so we went.  Will and their boys always have so much fun together.  It is great to see them together every time.  I can't wait until little Charlie is in the mix too!

 Mommy and Daddy had great chats with Jim and Penny Pyne.  Jim and Daddy were in the military together in Esquimalt.

 Entertainment provided included a chest of costumes for all to try on.  Will gravitates toward all authority figure costumes...

 After dinner there was roasting marshmallows on the back deck.

 Will really enjoyed that!  See you next year Tatras!

Jolly Jumper

I was going through some of Will's old things the other day and pulled this out.  We have some funny pictures and stories of Will in this Jolly Jumper (poo dancing comes to mind) and we got started on the funny pics for Charlie too!  You did really well in it, even spinning around a little and jumping a few times.  It caught your attention for quite a while actually!
Way to go Charlie!

Charlie goes to school

 Last week Mommy and Charlie went in to Will's JK3 class to show off Charlie.  Well, really the class is doing a unti called "All about me" and so they wanted to reflect back on when the children were babies themselves and how much they've grown and learned since.  But for the Coopers it was about showing off Charlie :)
Big brother Will was so proud.  He insisted on helping to carry in the carseat and was so possessive of Charlie.  He held his hand and kept physical contact with him at all times.  When other children got too close to Charlie or even leaned on his blanket Will would take them to task about it.  Looks like Charlie has a big brother his can count on!

 The children wanted to know what Charlie eats?  Will said "milk from a bottle" and "milk from Mommy."
They also wanted to know why Charlie's head was bobbing and so we talked about how Charlie's neck muscles aren't very strong and he can't even hold his head up for a long time.

 It was a very short visit to Will's class but was so meaningful for us.  Will and I will not forget it!

Mommy turns 36!

 Mommy's Birthday fell on a Friday this year and she turned 36!  Since I am working Fridays from now until the New Year I worked on that day, but the girls at work made it a great time for me.  They bought a cake and sang Happy Birthday to me and even sent a big bouquet of pink flowers to the office.  How sweet is that?!
Then when I got home this beautiful cruiser bike was waiting for me in the driveway!  Thanks Daddy!!

 There was also more cake to be had and more gifts from Daddy who spoils me every year.  There were also lovely gifts from Holt's from Grandma and cash from Great Grandma and Grandpa.  Thanks everyone!!
My favourite French Hen sweater from J Crew.
Will sang the most beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday to me :)