Monday, August 23, 2010

Jumping Jiminy's

This Sunday Daddy and I finally caved and took you to Jumping Jiminy's (or JJ's as the locals call it). It is an indoor playground with age appropriate areas where you can play with toys and slides and jungle gyms. It is quite expansive actually but most of the area is still too big for you. There is an area for 1-2 year olds to play and you liked what was in there. You climbed and slid and rocked away while Daddy and I helped you along. It was fun for all!
Here you took a moment for a breather:

Then you found this broom. We laughed and laughed because you wouldn't stop with it, you loved to push it around and when we tried to take it you had a fit. The employees and other customers were laughing their butts off about it. Amidst all these toys and jungle gyms all you wanted to do was push this sweeper around!
We also played some basketball and you really tried for that swish! Aim high my darling!

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