Thursday, August 19, 2010


Our nanny has finally arrived! Jennifer had been working on getting her VISA since March and it was finally approved 2 weeks ago. We picked her up from the Nanaimo airport on August 1st and she seems to be fitting in with our little family quite well.
You were a little bit wary of her to begin with but you have really warmed to her lately and will even run to her for comfort.
She is really very sweet and has taken a shine to you too. Mommy has a good feeling about her!

We went to the water park last week and you showed Jennifer how you can use the water guns in the pirate ship.

Poor Jennifer was quite jet lagged when she arrived but she has been a real trouper. Grandma spent a lot of time with her the first 2 weeks, showing her where things are around the house, taking her to the local parks you love and getting her into the swing of things. Thank goodness for Grandma!
Jennifer has even cooked for us a few times and we love her food! Daddy won't leave the table, hehe. She seems to enjoy cooking too so here's hoping it keeps up!

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