Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A day at the pool!

Last week Daddy and I took you to the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre to do some splashing around. We haven't taken you to the pool since your swimming lessons when you were quite young (and got an ear infection, grr) so this was a near new experience for you! You have always loved being in the water so I knew it would be a hit.
The water was quite warm and you were very excited about getting into it. I think your favourite part of doing activities like this is the freedom you have to get around and explore, although we watch you like hawks of course.

These photos are really such a small snapshot of what you got up to here. The pool has waves that turn on every 10 minutes or so and there were a couple of squeamish moments on your part when the waves were too big for your liking. But that's ok, mommy loves your clingy hugs whenever she can get them!

We put you in a little floating raft at one point but you didn't like that at all, and you kept screaming BALL! BALL! at the other kids playing with a ball in the water. We finally got our hands on one and you spent the remainder of our time at the pool tossing the ball into the water and retrieving it again!
I think you're still a while away from becoming a swimmer per se but we will keep at it!

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