Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vancouver Aquarium!

Last Thursday mommy had the day off so Grandma and I decided to take you to the aquarium! I have been wanting to take you for a while now and we thought you'd really like it-and you did!

These fish got lots of kisses and even a snuggle, lucky fishies! You are such an affectionate little boy, you will come up to us and throw your arms around us so unexpectedly. It is fleeting and so we have to enjoy it for just the moment it lasts but it is the best feeling ever. Here's hoping you are always that way, I will do everything I can to nurture that for sure ;)

You were amazed by all of the colours and movement in the tanks. You were mesmerized and just stared and stared and pointed. We let you linger for a while and when it was time to move on I would have to carry you away kicking and screaming! Then you would figure out that there were more wonderful things to look at and be engrossed in the new tank all over again.

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