Monday, August 23, 2010


This weekend the VIEX was at Beban Park, it's Vancouver Island's answer to the PNE. It is a small festival but has some interesting things to see, like lots of animals and rides. You can milk a cow there and see lots of displays showing things like the life cycle of chickens etc. The most memorable thing Daddy and I saw was a Goat Show which was the goat equivalent of the Westminster Dog Show. It was very serious.
You got quite scared when a goat in the barn made a long groaning noise and we had to make a run for it. We choose to think you are very compassionate to animals, but perhaps you were just scared out of your wits.
A little merry-go-round was the only age appropriate ride for you so Mommy took you on and you really liked it! There was a moment there when the ride started that I thought we'd have to flee but you carried on well and I occupied you with looking for Daddy at every turn so all was well, phew!
Half way through the ride you decided the horse needed a little snuggle, too cute! After the fair we went home and you had the longest nap! Guess we wore you out!

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