Monday, August 9, 2010

Lately, these entries seem to follow a similar vein...mommy's lady stuff. Much to Daddy's dismay. You must really spend time watching me get ready in the morning, and watch closely! I guess it's true what they say about children watching EVERYTHING you do and their need to imitate.
You are understanding so much of what we say lately too. I read last night that whatever we THINK you understand of what we say, multiply that by 2 and that is AT LEAST what is getting through. If so we had really better watch what we say!

Clearly, you got into mommy's make up this morning. You are very interested in the blush brush and make sure to first dip it into the blush before applying it. You also like mommy's lipstick and apply that liberally....

This was just after you smacked your lips together. Seriously.

Not bad really. I've seen similar work come from the MAC counter.
You're gorgeous every way. I could just eat you up make up or not!

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