Friday, April 13, 2018

Will turns nine!

 I cannot believe you're nine!  This was your year for a birthday party and you chose to have it at Airhouse (where else?).  All of your friends are up at the mountain for another weekend at least so we chose a mid-week date which allows for ten guests which was just fine.  We invited all of the boys in your class and when some couldn't make it Jack, Henry and Tye filled in.  It was perfect!
You boys bounced around for an hour and then we went up to the party room for pizza and of course cake.  I did a fun photo cake this year and you loved it.
After we had packed up the car and were on the way home we looked wistfully out the window and said "That was the best birthday party ever."  AWWWW.
Jack and Henry gave you this awesome hoody and stuffy:

 These are from us and Grandma:

 Our family "nine" photo.  It's tradition!

 Ok, not much impresses you but this shot was a beauty!  They were Gola shoes that I bought through J Crew and it sure looks like they were a hit!
 We asked you what you would like for your birthday dinner and of course you wanted a steak.  So dad went out and got some special ones for you and you devoured it!  You love steak!  Like father like son.
I cannot BELIEVE you're nine!
XOXOXOX All the best this year and every year my darling Will. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! This post made me very happy. Isn’t it superb? I have also booked one of the outdoor New York venues for my son’s birthday party because he wanted to have games and outdoor activities for his birthday. I liked this post and I would love to take ideas from here for his birthday celebration.
