Friday, April 13, 2018

Our last days on The Big Island

 We totally splurged on a helicopter flight from Hilo on the other side of the island to spot some flowing lava.  Such a neat experience!
This is a cliff leading into the water neat Hilo where lava has just flowed over the edge.  It interrupted a roadway and the pilot showed us how the road simply stopped at one point.  Apparently the lava flowing over the cliff can be seen by boat as well.

 This is red, bubbling, flowing lava.

 This is the Akaka Falls from the air!

 Ok, Char, we know you fall asleep in every moving vehicle but this is getting ridiculous!

 After our helicopter tour we had lunch at the Hilo Bay Cafe and had a beautiful view.  We headed back through the centre of the island rather than the coastal route which brought us to higher elevations.  We were not prepared for the fog up there!
The very next day we headed back to he airport for our return flight.  I'll never understand how I so reluctantly leave from vacation and you boys are practically running for the airport.  What is wrong with you?!

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