Tuesday, April 10, 2018

More Spring 2018

 This is how I watched the season FINALE of the Bachelor this spring.  Like, seriously?!  You showed up with this recorder from school and I literally groaned aloud.  Thank god it was only for a week.
Sometimes this is the only way we can get you two where we need you to be:

 We subdivided and listed our middle lot this spring.  Come on and give us on offer Universe!  This was two years of speculation, hard work and expense in the making.  Time to divest!

 Will, you are obsessed with Modern Family right now.  Dad got you all 8 or 9 seasons on Plex so you can watch it on your iPad.  You apparently love it so much you can't tear yourself from it for a bath.
Quite inventive actually...

 Your latest school project was on the five essential elements of your life. You decided on these five things that are most important to you.  Good ones I think!

 I normally dread Free Dress Day due to the fashion drama it creates but this one was a winner!
How cute!
No matter what we do the morning of free dress inevitably ends in tears.  Regardless of whether we lay out clothes the night before and agree on them then, there are always last minute changes that border on crazy and then the drama ensues.  Thank god it is once a month and not every day.

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