Friday, April 13, 2018

Baby's first ultrasound

We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and got our first glimpse of our newest little guy.  Dad took the time off work so that he could be there with me and we were so overjoyed to get a look at you.  
The tech said you were all balled up for the majority of the appointment and were super chill.  When we got to spend some time looking at you there were some tears shed and it was such a neat experience.  You were holding your hand in front of your face and your other arm was behind your head just lounging.  Adorable.
It sure looks like you are sucking your thumb here to me!
We are all so excited to meet you little one.
Your brothers have been begging mom and dad for a LONG time to have another and we finally decided that we would try.  It is a big decision at our age but in the end we just decided that we weren't done yet and still had someone missing.
The boys are so excited they come around to my driver side door and open it for me and hold my hand into the house like I'm an invalid!
Will took his allowance money to the mall the other day so that he could buy a calendar and mark each day from the due date so that he could have his own countdown.
We recorded us telling you both the news and about a week later we made a cake dyed the colour blue to indicate that the baby is a boy.  As you cut into the cake you could both see the blue colour and it is hilarious!  We have that recorded too and you were both open to either sex, it didn't make a difference to you.  But I think it helps us to be able to prepare for another little boy in the house.
I am going to work until the last week of school when I will be 30 weeks along and then I will be able to spend some time with you both in the summer prior to the baby coming.  Four more months!
We are all super excited to meet you!

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