Friday, July 15, 2016

More Disney 2016

We sure had to fight for your Jedi Training spot but we got it!!  Look at that face as you wait to get your robe!
 Although Char had been to Disney before, this was a trip like no other because you could now go on so many rides!  The last time we went I would distract you while Will and Grandma went on the big rides or vice versa.  But this time you had hit the 40" height requirement that got you onto all the good stuff: Hyper Space Mountain, Big Thunder, Star Tours etc and we went on them all, multiple times!  The staff would always make you stand by the measurer, sometimes twice, at the front of the line and again when we were ready to get on.  But we knew you would pass since you were 40" without shoes, you were golden.  And every time they said "OK, you're good" you would make a fist and say "YES."  Ha!

 You loved the big rides, surprise, surprise.

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