Friday, July 15, 2016

Charlie's First Play Date!

Charlie has been watching Will have play dates for years and you have always asked when you could have a friend over.  So we arranged to have a play date with your friend from school, Diesel.  He is in JK4 but you spend lots of time with him on the playground.  Unfortunately Diesel is leaving Aspengrove after this year, but you two had lots of fun together at our house.  We rode bikes outside, played lego and had a snack (and of course tooted).  As a matter of fact I texted this photo to Diesel's Mom later and she texted back "someone must have farted."  Touche.
I must share a quick story here.  Will had Tye and Matthew over for a sleepover on his birthday and of course the bigger boys wanted some time alone.  We tried to keep you occupied so that he older boys could do their thing but Charlie was wanting to be right in the mix all day.  When I tucked you in that night the other boys were all sleeping in Will's room and you said "Will didn't choose me."  Heart break.
I tried to explain that those are his friends from school and they are his age and you have friends your age, but it shocked me how you had to words to express your feelings at three.  You felt left out.  You asked me if you could have a sleepover with your friends one day and I said of course.  You replied "And they will snuggle ME."
Oh Char, I wish you could stay so innocent forever.  Love you babe.

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