Friday, September 18, 2015

First Day of School

 Grade ONE!  Are you kidding me?!  Look at how handsome you are.  There was not a moment of hesitation on this day from you.  You were so excited to get back to school and to see your friends.  Nerves?  Not even on the radar.  You couldn't wait to get in there and you have woken up early every school day since saying "I can't wait to go to school today!  School is so much fun!"  Gotta love that.
Charlie's first day was the following day, the Thursday.  JK3 for you is three full days, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  You were also not hesitant in the least.  You walked right in to the school, put your backpack in your cubby (you do insist on wearing your backpack in) and walk right into the classroom to explore which activities they have on offer. 
 Custom made (by mom) tie dye shirts for Spirit Day!  Go Arbutus!
 This is you on your very first day of JK3.  You were really interested in building a track and running the trains over it.  You dove right in to that while the other moms commented on how comfortable you were in this setting.  Other children were clinging to their parents and I heard screaming in the played happily until I literally pulled you away from your playing and forced you to kiss me goodbye.  No worries here!
Your teacher, Mrs Sinclair had requested (last week...) that one parent be present for the entire morning to stay with their child to make sure they were adapting.  This is not an option for us since we are booked months out and quite frankly, I wasn't worried.  I did manage to have my first patient scheduled for 9am rather than 8:30.  There was no need.  You were barely aware of my presence (or lack thereof).  You are such a confident and secure boy.  I couldn't be more proud of you.

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