Friday, September 18, 2015

Charlie's tooth

 Charlie had a bad accident one week after his third birthday.  As he explains it he was "doing backflips on his scooter."  One thing I know for sure is he wasn't wearing a helmet.
Our rule is helmets on the driveway.  Imagine my surprise when I pulled up in the van and Will ran up beside the car hand out and saying "Look!  It's Charlie's tooth!"
Of course this was my worst nightmare and I looked at the piece (which wasn't too big) and headed up the driveway to where Lia was trying to calm Char.  I immediately laid him back to get a better look and realized how serious this injury really was.  I called Kimi right away and as soon as dad arrived (5 minutes later) we headed down to the pedo office at Holly Tree Clinic.  By now it was close to 6pm so bless Kimi's heart for staying for us.  
I was beside myself.  I was crying like a baby and so were you.  It can't have felt good and as I watched you you were flicking the remainder of your tooth with your tongue and it was flapping away.  When we got you into the office we took this film (which you sat for perfectly) and discovered that the 51 was badly fractured and the 61 showed signs of trauma at the apex.  The 51 was extracted with you under nitrous oxide and you did so well.  You were amazing.  Mom and Dad were both there the whole time and we held your hands and talked to you as best we could.  You were great and even giggled a few times!  Poor Dr Kimi had to go back several times to retrieve pieces of tooth, the tooth had just shattered so badly.  

You had a swollen lip and abrasions on your chin as well.  All in all you were perfectly fine afterwards and showed no signs of being in pain although we gave you Tylenol that night just in case.  I on the other hand was exhausted!  
So that is the story of how you lost your 51.  I suppose we will get used to your new smile although that hasn't happened quite yet.  I can't believe that we're going to go through 4 years of school photos like this!!

You are still such a handsome little man.  And so unbelievably brave.  Sigh.

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