Friday, September 18, 2015

Charlie loves BMX

Just look at this photo!
This is why when Dad and I are dog tired at the end of the night, we muster up the energy to take you both to the track to race.  You are both in love with BMX racing.  Dad and I want to embrace the things that you show a special interest in and boy do you both have a spark for this.  It is like a little fire in you and I love that sense of competition and fire I see.  It means that there is a spark but there is also big disappointment at times.  I love that you are both wanting to win and compete, and each race you are learning more how to be teammates and about good sportsmanship.  These are complex emotions at this age I feel and we often see tears as you cross the line.  But lately we have seen improvements there.  You are both able to high five your friends afterwards and think (in your heads) I'll get you next time.
Love to start learning these lessons with you early.  I don't want to see you lose either but it's important to learn how to practice and train for something and see the rewards from that hard work.  Will has improved markedly over the course of the summer and that is a testament to his hard work and practice.  Now in the future I will point to that example when you are frustrated with things in life.  Hopefully it will hit home that much more.

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