Friday, September 25, 2015

Nanoose Bay Base open to the public day

Every other year the Nanoose Bay Base has an open house for the locals and this year it fell on a weekend when Mom and Dad were in Vegas for a conference (really).  So your Grandpa Cody took you with uncle Adam and snapped this pic.  I thought it was awesome so had to post it!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Dock photos

 We had Erica from Stirling Images come to the cottage again this year to do a shoot for us on the dock.  The last photos she took for us turned out so beautifully and I love this years' too.  Hopefully we can make these photos an annual tradition.

Charlie starts soccer!

 You have been looking forward to playing soccer all summer! You have been wearing your cleats for weeks in anticipation, even while riding your bike.  I couldn't pry them off of you.  We had our first meeting last week to pick up your jersey and socks and then your first game last Saturday.  You're going to rock this!
 Honestly, when I watch you in comparison to your teammates there is no comparison.  I don't want to be offensive but we'll just keep this to ourselves: the other three year olds are like babies in comparison to you!  You are large and in charge and I think that watching Will and even playing with Will and his team all last year has helped give you this amazing confidence that you have.

 You just loved in out there.  I'm so glad that you have this opportunity to finally play on your own team.

 Will watched from the sidelines and cheered you on, hugging you as you came in for a water break.
As Will and I watched you play I was saying "Look at him go, he is amazing."  And Will replied "Yes, I taught him well."

 Go Char!

Will and his obsession with teeth

It's a family thing.  Teeth are high up there in our awareness around here.  But you are definitely obsessive about your teeth.  You want to lose them, you want me to pull them, you want to know why some of your classmates have lost their teeth and you haven't, it's not fair!  Then you want me to feel the bulges were your six year molars are erupting and insist that you can feel your 31 emerging.  I am constantly feeling around in your mouth to verify are deny the mobility or emergence of your dentition.  I keep telling you the longer you can go without your permanent teeth the better but you aren't hearing that.  Oh Will!

Cathedral Grove

On our way home from the cottage last weekend we were driving through Cathedral Grove as we have so many times before and from the backseat Charlie said "Let's talk about big trees."
We said ok bud let's talk about them!  And then we did one better, we pulled over in the rest stop for the first time and actually walked through it, just like the myriad number of tourists we see do this every day.  You were both so excited to see these big trees!  We walked around for quite a while as you both pointed over and over yelling "Look at that one!" and "Whoa!"
 This is a biggest tree in Cathedral Grove.  It is 800 years old and it sure was big.

The RZR tour in Nahmint Valley

 Boy's day out!  Dad and Sunny took you four boys out on an ATV tour on Labour Day weekend this year.  You all had such a blast I think it may become an annual thing!

The boys loved throwing rocks into the waterfall, got to drink Gatorade and Charlie fell asleep in an ATV going down a hill at 90km/hr.  Way to go guys!

First Day of School

 Grade ONE!  Are you kidding me?!  Look at how handsome you are.  There was not a moment of hesitation on this day from you.  You were so excited to get back to school and to see your friends.  Nerves?  Not even on the radar.  You couldn't wait to get in there and you have woken up early every school day since saying "I can't wait to go to school today!  School is so much fun!"  Gotta love that.
Charlie's first day was the following day, the Thursday.  JK3 for you is three full days, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  You were also not hesitant in the least.  You walked right in to the school, put your backpack in your cubby (you do insist on wearing your backpack in) and walk right into the classroom to explore which activities they have on offer. 
 Custom made (by mom) tie dye shirts for Spirit Day!  Go Arbutus!
 This is you on your very first day of JK3.  You were really interested in building a track and running the trains over it.  You dove right in to that while the other moms commented on how comfortable you were in this setting.  Other children were clinging to their parents and I heard screaming in the played happily until I literally pulled you away from your playing and forced you to kiss me goodbye.  No worries here!
Your teacher, Mrs Sinclair had requested (last week...) that one parent be present for the entire morning to stay with their child to make sure they were adapting.  This is not an option for us since we are booked months out and quite frankly, I wasn't worried.  I did manage to have my first patient scheduled for 9am rather than 8:30.  There was no need.  You were barely aware of my presence (or lack thereof).  You are such a confident and secure boy.  I couldn't be more proud of you.

Piper and Fia

 Two little girls from the track have really made an impact on your boys.  Piper and Fia Graaten from down the street in Lantzville are avid racers and you both sure love them!

More trophies

 A big accomplishment here.  Will finished first on trophy night in Qualicum and got to take home a very big trophy for himself!  Nice work Will!  Look at that face!!
Way to go Char!

 The next day was trophy night at the Nanaimo track and you got medals that time.  Firsts!

Some other highlights of summer 2015

 We gathered some different leaves and rocks from the yard at the cottage and then looked up what type of trees they may come from.  I learned a lot!
So, see that tiny speck on the left in the water?  That's dear old Mom on her SUP in the middle of the lake watching the Martin Mars descend upon her while Dad and Will look on taking photos.  I was panicking and trying to backpaddle (that doesn't work).  ACK!
Next time I'll go the other way into the bay...

 Thanks for the swing Grandma!


 It was a bubbles in pajamas kind of day :)

Bye bye Papa and Grandma!

Papa and Grandma stayed with us in the Treehouse for three weeks this July.  We were back and forth to the cottage of course but did spend time here.  Of course they were infinitely helpful with the house and with LOTS of yard work.  You two are awesome!!

More BMX

 This above is the day after you both won your first trophies ever at a Nanaimo BMX Track trophy night.  Char won a first and Will third hence the size differences.  Will was originally ticked off that his trophy wasn't as big but he got over it.
Another trophy night in Qualicum!
We're getting quite a collection!

 On our way to the track one night you fell asleep in the car.  I held you during warm-up and told fans as they walked by that it was your pre-game weapon.  Sure enough you rallied and took home three firsts.  Obvi.

More Cottage 2015

Coconuts with Jai and Dheen!


 You four have such a blast together:

 Mariokart for rainy days.  Look at that video game face, cutest ever!

Cottage 2015

 Have you ever seen such balance in a six year old??
A special mother/son moment:

 Handing out with my boys on the dock: