Sunday, November 25, 2012

Will's First Movie!

 Last week, Mommy and Daddy and Will went to see Will's first movie in the theatre!  We have Mondays off right now and thought it was the perfect time to try to see if you were ready.
When we arrived at the theatre we realized that Wreck it Ralph was in 3D.  When you asked "What is 3D?" Daddy said "It's one dimension more than you can handle."  LOL!

It was the perfect first experience for us because the theatre was completely empty besides us.  You were very interested in the popcorn and drinks and blown away by the size of the screen.  When the movie first started you tried to bat at the animation a few times and then figured things out.  It was so cute!

You behaved so well during the movie and had the attention span to watch the full show!  Way to go Will!

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