Sunday, November 25, 2012

I love my Charlie!

Look at us!  You are just the sweetest little thing!  Mommy is enjoying snuggling you while you'll still let me.  I have one big boy so I know how it goes!  So far, no protests from you.  As a matter of fact when you are getting sleepy and ready for a nap if I lie down with you we have such a nice nap together, you just sleep and sleep for hours!  We are like two little bugs in a rug.  You must just love the feeling of me beside you.  You average nap in your crib is 45 minutes to an hour but in my bed you can sleep for two hours or more.  I'm good with it!
Oh Charlie, in a way I wish you would never grow up.  I am looking forward to seeing you do so many things but every day that passes I know you lose a little bit of your babyishness and it makes me so sad!
I am trying to savour every moment these days.  Even after I nurse you and you fall asleep in my arms in the glider at night I rock you for a while and just enjoy it instead of putting you down right away.  I know these days are numbered :(

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