Sunday, November 25, 2012

Making a Gingerbread Christmas Tree!

 This was a really fun project for us!  We will have to make it a tradition.
You did so well with this one it really shocked me.  We mixed up the icing and you stacked the layers of the tree all by yourself one by one.
Then we mixed the coloured icing and decorated with the candies!

 Gorgeous!  You showed restraint and everything and we ate the tree over several nights.  You are even in the habit of saving part of your dessert until after your bath for later.  I really encourage this because I have read all about delayed gratification and the benefits to kids later on in life if they are able to hold off on things.  When you put a piece aside and say you'll save it until after your bath I praise the heck out you!

Of course, we tried the marshmallow test with you and as I was explaining the concept to you you were cramming the marshmallow in your mouth...maybe we should try it again.

Love it!

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