Sunday, November 25, 2012

Allergy Tests

My poor, sweet baby boy.  We went to see Dr Coates, a specialist with a satellite practice here in Nanaimo to do your allergy testing.  He did 18 test spots and you were a trouper.  A really great patient as usual.
It turns out that you are allergic to dairy, eggs and most of all dogs.  
We had been doing an elimination diet for you for weeks leading up to this appointment and we had identified that dairy, eggs and nuts were likely culprits so it wasn't too big a surprise but it was good to finally know which it was for certain.
As for the foods we went straight to the grocery store and got some soy milk, yoghurt and ice cream, and I suppose we'll have to start reading labels for everything else.  Much to our relief pasta and bread don't have eggs or milk in them.
The biggest issue was the dogs of course.  Grandma, Papa, Ggma and Ggpa came to our rescue and agreed to take the dogs in the interim until we can find a home for them permanently.  This was very hard for us and on Daddy in particular.  We have no other choice and I just cannot stand listening to you coughing all night long any more.
The dogs are booked on a fight out tomorrow morning and the carpet will be measured for and replaced hopefully by the week's end.  I am really praying that we see an improvement in your health from here on out.  It seems like you have had a cold which was actually nasal allergies for years!  Poor mite!
Here's hoping.  More on this to come.

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