Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gymnastics Class!

 Mommy signed you up for gymnastics classes on Wednesday mornings and you love it!  When I ask you which class is your favourite you say gymnastics right away.  I'm so glad we signed you up!
You are taking the class at Flipside Gymnastics right by the office off of Northfield and sometimes I take you for a drop in at Nanaimo Gymnastics.  You LOVE the foam pit at Nanaimo Gymnastics so I was so glad to hear that Flipside is getting a foam pit shortly.

This class is instructor-led so Mommy watches from above with all the other parents.  It seems like most classes no longer require parental participation now that you are three.  It's good in some way because sometimes I think you are better with a teacher than you would be with me ;)

This large inflatable runway is meant to be for tumbling, but boy you guys love running and hopping along it!

 Oh, the foam pit.  We spend ALL of our time in it!

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