Friday, January 13, 2012

Things we did in Cabo

This was such a fun trip for the three of us. I love it when we can get away and spend uninterrupted time together and do some bonding in the middle of life's craziness. After we go on a trip like this I always feel like we're more connected :)
We did one day outing that we thought you would like, the submarine! Actually it was a semi-submersible boat where you go down some steps and watch the sea life. But we called it a submarine and sang the yellow submarine song to you and you loved it.
Just look at that glee!

We stayed at the Barcelo Grand Palace in San Jose del Cabo. It was such a great resort, we had no complaints about our time there except that it was cold! And the pools were cold! We couldn't get into the water there, and there were very few who dared to brave it. Basically it was all of the guests sitting around the pool in sweatshirts and reading. Bizarre! Mental note; in the winter we have to go further south!

So we spent a lot of time on the beach. You love it there best anyways. We went to the Mega, which is right down the street from our resort and bought you a bunch of snad toys to play with for the week (and bubbles, and cars...). And we got lots of use out of them before we left them there.

We did try once to get you into the water because you really wanted to. There were a couple of other little guys who seemed to be ok. So we put you in and you cried and cried. It was so hard to explain to you that there was a big pool there but couldn't go in :( Apparently people were complaining and complaining but the heater could only get it to 75. Cold! I prefer 86 myself...

So we made sandcastles, and you a Daddy ran up and down the beach, and we ate and ate and ate. I'm feeling better now so I actually got my money's worth out the buffet if not the bar this trip. I think we all did! You were, as always, a big fan of the dessert section.

The only pool that was semi-tolerable was the little shallow pool in the kids' area but we only spent an afternoon there since all the other kids were really rowdy and broke your toys! So you and Daddy played around in this water for just a little while and we moved on. The beach was much more entertaining.

Here, you were watching Daddy frolick around in the water and I guess you thought it was quite funny! All in all, a good trip, but next time we'l have to commit to the longer flight to the Caribbean side!

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