Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Banana

This weekend we went for our 3D ultrasound to find out the sex of baby banana. I am 19 weeks along now and have been dying to know. We can't lie, we were hoping for a girl to balance things out for our household and we really thought it was so since my pregnancies have been so different...however, fate had something else in mind for us and you will be getting a little brother soon!
I guess we're going to be the party house and I will have to adjust to a very active lifestyle. I am definitely outnumbered now!
So we've been tossing around ideas for names and you have now changed the baby's name to Spiderman. As I was tucking you in to bed the other night I said "Will, you're going to have a little brother soon," and you said "He has a penis?" How smart are you?!
I am happy that you will have a best friend and that you can share your childhood with a boy who will likely have similar interests as you, and friends have told me that their boys are very artistic and that they enjoy musical theatre so there may be hope for that yet.
I am going to be the mother of BOYS!

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