Monday, January 30, 2012

Grandma's visit comes to an end...

I can't believe a month just passed :(
Grandma is going home tomorrow. You both had a blast this time, as always. Even though the weather is not the best you went to the Parksville beach park which you love and went out and about with Grandma lots. I love it when Grandma comes because you are likely to pop in for a visit to us at work and that just makes my day!

While Grandma was here we had a big snowfall (we only have a couple of those a year) so that was a big deal. It was such a big dump of snow that Daddy and I had our first snow day ever! We couldn't get out of the street at all and although we held out hope for not cancelling the afternoon we never made it out. So we had lots of fun in the snow with you instead! Although all you wanted to do was use the snow blower.

This goodbye with Grandma won't be too hard though since she'll hopefully be back in short order. We just found out that Jenny will be moving on at the end of February so Grandma has volunteered to come back and help us out. God Bless! I am not too excited about seeing your disappointment when Jenny leaves, I'm not sure how much of an impact it will have on you or how much you'll understand of it. But you ask for her regularly and by now she is definitely a fixture in you life and has been for a year and a half now. We shall see.

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