Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Christmas" morning!

This year we had a bit of a non-traditional Christmas. Since we were flying out of Vancouver on the 23rd we had our "Christmas" on the 22nd. We knew if wouldn't make a difference and that you'd be none of the wiser and I think even Daddy and I did a good job of pretending it was the actual day :)

When we heard you were awake in the morning ("Mooooooommmmmmmyyyyyyy!" and "Daaaaaaaaadddddddddy!") we went in to get you and you were sitting in your bed (you won't get out on your own) and I asked you what was special about today. You knew it was Christmas and said so. When we got into the kitchen you sort of lingered in there and I finally had to suggest that perhaps there were some things you would like to look at in the living room....

Things pretty much took off from there since you figured out what was going to go on. You did a great job of ripping open presents and throwing the boring things aside, hahaha! The Mini Cooper car and bike from Gma, Gpa and Great-Gma and Great-Gpa were huge hits!

This is you with the cookies that you left for Santa. I guess he liked them because he ate them all up! You were very intent on also leaving Santa some Cheerios so we left some of those too.

Daddy made his famous cinnamon bun Christmas Tree for us, yum!

Since we had to be on an early afternoon ferry right after your nap we had our special dinner the night before. We made a duck with all the fixings since the leftovers of a larger meal would go to waste. The duck was the perfect size for us and Mommy's personal fave!

Now, off to Cabo!

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