Friday, January 13, 2012

Grandma Visits

On Wednesday the 4th, Grandma arrived to visit for a whole month. We love when she comes to visit. It is always helpful to have more hands on deck!

You had a great week with Grandma and Jenny and were off to school as usual on Tuesday and Thursday. You seemed to be happy to get back to school, you are always interested in the crafts they have out and the toys that are there. On the last day of school before Christmas the girls told me that you had finally come out of you shell. They said that you are normally quite shy (we don't see that side of you) and that you finally had some big laughs and were running around with the other kids and playing. They didn't even know that you knew your numbers and colours, they said you had a big day. It is so strange for me to think of you as a shy boy. You are certainly more confortable at home with us because there is no shyness here!

Maria and Leah had always told me that you get weepy after naptime. They say that almost every afternoon when you wake up you cry for me and ask for me and when I'm coming. I guess there is something about waking up that makes you emotional. I knew this was happening because they had told me but on Tuesday when I cam to get you I heard it for myself and that was completely different. When I went in to pick you up my ears tuned in to you on the other side of a little wall. You were crying for me, the sad cry and I just zoned out and followed the sound until I found you on the potty. You were red faced and so sad and Candace had been right there with you but I was so sad to see it. The girls assure me that this lasts only minutes but it really broke my heart. I will never forget it. I just wanted to scoop you up and make you feel better. You were quite worked up. When you saw me it was a look of disbelief and relief. I was so glad to be there right at that moment. Ugh!

Then on Thursday I wasn't able to be there so early and as we were driving away from the school I asked you how your day was and you said "Will cry for you." I wanted to die. I asked what? why? and you said "Because Wil misses you. Because you're Will's family."

I told you that I miss you too and told you again that we would never leave you at school, that we would always come back for you. Because you are part of our family.

I don't know what makes me more sad. The fact that you miss me at school or the idea that one day you won't anymore.....

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