Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sushi and Cupcakes

Surprisingly, you like sushi. I guess it's the little baby bite-size packages it comes in or maybe the rice (you seem to be a carbs junkie like mommy), but whatever it is you gobble it up.
Double fisting sushi:

Mommy made cupcakes this weekend, and wouldn't you know it, they were a hit too!

This is the face you make when we say "Show me your cutie face!":

Yes, it was a mess. It's so much fun for you mommy gladly cleans it up!

Oh the joy!
As an addendum to this post, today was the day you said Dada for the first time. It was so much fun to ask you to say it over and over, we had been waiting so long! I think daddy is very much relieved since you had called him mama for 17 months...

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