Monday, September 20, 2010

Fishing in Bamfield

We all packed into the car and made the bumpy drive to Bamfield last weekend. Mommy's patient Mike does charters out there in the summer months and has been trying to convince us to come out for a while and we finally did it!

Maggie entranced by your cookies in the back seat.

You taunting Maggie with cookies...


Kiss and make up?

Jennifer took a picture of the family on the government dock once we arrived in Bamfield-in one piece!

A good haul for first-timers!

Will pretending to eat for us in the kitchen at La Villa. Such a nice spot to stay.

You love your boots.

It was rainy on the way home. You slept for the one and a half hour drive along the gravel. It was so bumpy I was out of my seat at times. Your chin was shaking up and down and still you slept. You woke up 1km before we hit the pavement in Port Alberni. Go figure.

The sweetest face in the world.

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