Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In Mommy's Shoes

In keeping with your wanting to imitate everything we do lately you had some fun with Mommy's shoes last night! We heard this click click from the hall and you had these on - and were getting around pretty well in them!

You really do want to do everything we do, you must watch us very closely because sometimes I don't even know where you get these things. You will pick up my eye drop bottle and point it at your eye with your head back. You will brush your hair with my brush and of course brush your teeth (although you hate it when we do it!)
You want to sweep the floor when the broom comes out and climb the step ladder when I need to reach something on the top shelf.
You want to take things out of the fridge and clean dishes with a cloth. It is hilarious. When you're a teenager I will remind you of how you once wanted to be JUST LIKE ME.

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