Monday, August 23, 2010

Jumping Jiminy's

This Sunday Daddy and I finally caved and took you to Jumping Jiminy's (or JJ's as the locals call it). It is an indoor playground with age appropriate areas where you can play with toys and slides and jungle gyms. It is quite expansive actually but most of the area is still too big for you. There is an area for 1-2 year olds to play and you liked what was in there. You climbed and slid and rocked away while Daddy and I helped you along. It was fun for all!
Here you took a moment for a breather:

Then you found this broom. We laughed and laughed because you wouldn't stop with it, you loved to push it around and when we tried to take it you had a fit. The employees and other customers were laughing their butts off about it. Amidst all these toys and jungle gyms all you wanted to do was push this sweeper around!
We also played some basketball and you really tried for that swish! Aim high my darling!


This weekend the VIEX was at Beban Park, it's Vancouver Island's answer to the PNE. It is a small festival but has some interesting things to see, like lots of animals and rides. You can milk a cow there and see lots of displays showing things like the life cycle of chickens etc. The most memorable thing Daddy and I saw was a Goat Show which was the goat equivalent of the Westminster Dog Show. It was very serious.
You got quite scared when a goat in the barn made a long groaning noise and we had to make a run for it. We choose to think you are very compassionate to animals, but perhaps you were just scared out of your wits.
A little merry-go-round was the only age appropriate ride for you so Mommy took you on and you really liked it! There was a moment there when the ride started that I thought we'd have to flee but you carried on well and I occupied you with looking for Daddy at every turn so all was well, phew!
Half way through the ride you decided the horse needed a little snuggle, too cute! After the fair we went home and you had the longest nap! Guess we wore you out!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Will hearts Doritos

I guess this picture speaks for itself. You love Doritos...almost as much as daddy.


Our nanny has finally arrived! Jennifer had been working on getting her VISA since March and it was finally approved 2 weeks ago. We picked her up from the Nanaimo airport on August 1st and she seems to be fitting in with our little family quite well.
You were a little bit wary of her to begin with but you have really warmed to her lately and will even run to her for comfort.
She is really very sweet and has taken a shine to you too. Mommy has a good feeling about her!

We went to the water park last week and you showed Jennifer how you can use the water guns in the pirate ship.

Poor Jennifer was quite jet lagged when she arrived but she has been a real trouper. Grandma spent a lot of time with her the first 2 weeks, showing her where things are around the house, taking her to the local parks you love and getting her into the swing of things. Thank goodness for Grandma!
Jennifer has even cooked for us a few times and we love her food! Daddy won't leave the table, hehe. She seems to enjoy cooking too so here's hoping it keeps up!

The new water table

Grandma and I found this water/sand table in Duncan last week. It was at a little toy shop there, right in the window and I knew you would love it. We set it up on the deck for you and you play at it for long stretches of time (which is rare!) You love to pour the water, albeit not very accurately, from the kettle onto the table, from the cup to the make quite a mess! We just brush all the water off after you're done and it's ready for the next day.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lately, these entries seem to follow a similar vein...mommy's lady stuff. Much to Daddy's dismay. You must really spend time watching me get ready in the morning, and watch closely! I guess it's true what they say about children watching EVERYTHING you do and their need to imitate.
You are understanding so much of what we say lately too. I read last night that whatever we THINK you understand of what we say, multiply that by 2 and that is AT LEAST what is getting through. If so we had really better watch what we say!

Clearly, you got into mommy's make up this morning. You are very interested in the blush brush and make sure to first dip it into the blush before applying it. You also like mommy's lipstick and apply that liberally....

This was just after you smacked your lips together. Seriously.

Not bad really. I've seen similar work come from the MAC counter.
You're gorgeous every way. I could just eat you up make up or not!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The treasures in mommy's drawer

Someone got into mommy's "lady" stuff.

You were very interested in these...not sure what to make of it. They're sterile right?

Mommy's Scarves!

Someone found mommy's scarves this weekend! You loved this fur one.

You didn't know whether to wear it or snuggle with it.

Strike a pose!

Petite Picasso

You painted this in art class with Grandma last month. I love it! I had it framed and chose shiny gold with a woven matte just to make it look super pompous (I've already had someone ask where I bought it). Art is definitely in the eye of the beholder and I think this is the most gorgeous piece I've even seen. I think I'll hang it above my night table. My little artiste!

How much is that doggie in the window?

Daddy took you to Chapters the other day and you came home with this little dog. You had snatched it unbeknownst to him and stuffed it down the side of your stroller. So it came home with you...oops. We'll take it back this week, slobber and's hoping that this is the end of your shoplifting career.

Vancouver Aquarium!

Last Thursday mommy had the day off so Grandma and I decided to take you to the aquarium! I have been wanting to take you for a while now and we thought you'd really like it-and you did!

These fish got lots of kisses and even a snuggle, lucky fishies! You are such an affectionate little boy, you will come up to us and throw your arms around us so unexpectedly. It is fleeting and so we have to enjoy it for just the moment it lasts but it is the best feeling ever. Here's hoping you are always that way, I will do everything I can to nurture that for sure ;)

You were amazed by all of the colours and movement in the tanks. You were mesmerized and just stared and stared and pointed. We let you linger for a while and when it was time to move on I would have to carry you away kicking and screaming! Then you would figure out that there were more wonderful things to look at and be engrossed in the new tank all over again.