Saturday, January 24, 2015

Settling in at the resort

 We spent most of our time by the pool as usual, but we also spent more time that ever at the beach this year.  We built castles, walked along the beach both ways, played soccer with the local boys and ran into the waves.  
When Will went to the club and did face painting it took a lot of effort to get this stuff off!  It was like wax!
Daddy loves this photo.

 We definitely frequented Tacos Break again this year!  But Daddy passed on the hot peppers...

 Breakfast in the room!

 The kids' water park:

 Charlie, you were amazing this year.  You had no fear of the water, just like Will and you came a long way towards swimming this trip.  Look at you doing flips at TWO!  It was unbelievable.  You got to the point where we could let go of you and you could stay afloat for a brief time or even swim to the wall under the water.  Unreal!

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