Monday, January 26, 2015

More Mexico

 Oh boy, it was Pirate Day at the Kids Club.
This hat was mine from my first trip to Mexico when I was two!  What a vintage beaut!  So special that Charlie could wear it now!

 Daddy and I were obsessed with getting a plate of shrimp just like these since we arrived.  One lunch time we went for it, they were awesome!
Charlie also enjoyed them but Will is a non-shrimp eater :(.

 We went out to downtown PV one night and saw this along the beach.  I'm not sure what it's called but I think it is a pretty popular stunt for entertainment in Mexico since we saw these poles in several places.  It was done to music and really neat to watch.  

 For dinner that night we went to Pipi's and had a blast!  The Margaritas were enormous and Mommy and Daddy polished off one each!  Honestly, I can't wait to go back there it was such fun.  There was a band going around singing songs by request and everyone was partying.  It was awesome!

 Poor Char.  We stayed a little bit too long for his taste I suppose!

After such a fun night out we stepped out of the restaurant into the night along a cobblestoned street, and what did I see coming straight toward us but two Hummers with machine guns perched atop and filled with camoed up army guys.  It was the biggest buzz kill ever.  Mommy said "Taxi!" and got the heck out of there.  Apparently they are wanting to show the tourists that things are very safe in town and that they are free to spend their vacation dollars there but jeez!  That was not a welcoming sight!

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