Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Charlie's Art Class

 Last fall Charlie and Mommy did gymnastics class on Thursdays (Mommy's day off) and this spring we decided to give art classes a try!  You love it!  So far we have been working on a Polar Bear painting and made a clay mouse.  It is so much fun :)

 You can't wait to be enrolled in a soccer class, it seems to be your passion.  Once the weather gets better you'll be into soccer in a big way I'm sure so I'm trying to get this art class in while you're still interested!  Your obsessed with soccer is intense.  The second you wake up in the morning you insist on putting your soccer pants on and you wear Will's old cleats around the house.  We can barely wash your soccer pants since you want to wear them ALL THE TIME and will pick them out of the dirty laundry and try to put them on regardless.  You are constantly kicking the ball around and asking us to play with you downstairs in the hall.  And you really very good!  Your coach will be so impressed!  So many things to look forward to!

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