Monday, January 26, 2015

Charlie's Booboo

 On Christmas Day we were in the hotel room after nap time and the boys were on the couch.  Charlie tried to get up off the couch and tripped, falling into the low glass coffee table.  You cut your head and there was so much blood and Will started screaming "There's blood!  There's blood!"  Mommy scooped you up and brought you into the bathroom.  We laid you down and had a look at it and could see just how deep the cut was.  We called the front desk asking for a doctor and they told us exactly where to go.  I sat on the bathroom floor holding a face cloth to your head and rocking you while we tried to figure out what to do.  You were just crying quietly and looking up at me and you whispered something.  I couldn't quite hear you so I asked you to say it again and you said "I wan you to kish me."  So I leaned down and you leaned up and I kissed you so you would feel better.  So sad.
We went down the elevator and down to the next building and two staff were waiting for us to escort us up to the doctor's office which was a converted hotel room.  The doctor there said he wasn't sure if stitches were needed or not and wanted us to go to the hospital.  He bandaged your head and they called an ambulance.  In the end there was another emergency at the airport so we took a cab the ten minutes to the hospital.  The doctor was waiting for us in the emergency room waiting area and took us right in.  Will and Daddy stayed and filled out paperwork and Charlie and I went in and got you on a bed.  The doctor was very good with you and opened up the gash to look at the muscle underneath.  The muscular layer had not been breached so he said that the surgical glue would work just fine.  He showed you how he would spray the cut with some water and I explained when he dried it with a very big Qtip.  Then when he used the glue I told you he was gluing your cut closed with a glue stick that looked like a crayon.  The whole time you crying quietly but understood that you had stay very still.  It was so sad watching you clearly struggle with big tears coming down the sides of your face but you were so brave.  The doctor glued things very nicely and then put some steristrips on it.
When it was over he told you how brave you had been and asked you who your favourite Superhero was.  You whispered "Will."  The doctor looked at you quizzically and asked "Who?"  You said "Will."  I explained who Will was although I was crying and the doctor said "Well Will would be very proud of you."  They ambulanced us back to the hotel after and we had a quiet night.
We had to keep you out of the water for two days to make sure things had good initial healing.  My heart breaks even thinking about this trauma you had to go through.  Of course, Daddy and I talked about how we could have prevented it etc but it was just one of those flukes.  We know we can't watch you 24 hours a day but we want to!  We chalked it up to bad luck.
Now that we're home we are applying Mederma cream to your scar every night in the hopes that we can minimize the scar.  It will likely always be there but we can hope it will be barely visible eventually.  Poor baby boy.  We love you Charlie, scars and all.  My brave, brave boy.

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